Prishtina REA, in partnership with IPER Institute, Kolašin municipality and Gjeravica, is implementing the “Tourism for Future” project, supported by the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro-Kosovo, under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II), aiming at, among other activities, providing support to tourism (accommodation) businesses from Peja and Kolašin regions towards assessing, promoting and practicing the new working culture of eco-development standards and certification with international EU Eco Label Standard and international certification of 20 tourism-oriented entities.

ECO-LABEL Standard Certification – as Sustainable Tourism Management tool is mainly focused on: i) Infrastructure (energy, water, waste), ii) Environment, iii) Culture Heritage, iv) Agro-food/local supply, v) Tourism Management Capacity known as the eco-tourism values.

The OVERALL OBJECTIVE (i.e. impacts) of the project is to contribute to the development of the cross-border sustainable tourism through networking, introducing green key and eco standards, improving competitiveness and joint promotion. 

While, the impact is the promotion of the participation of SMEs targeting EU certification systems, in particular, the EU Ecolabel and EMAS aiming at compliance adaptations necessary to request relevant and achievable internationally recognized certification schemes


  • To increase the number of tourism businesses certified with eco-labels in the region.
  • To enhance the environmental and social sustainability practices of tourism enterprises.
  • To raise awareness among tourists and the industry about the benefits of sustainable tourism through eco-label certification.


Tourism for Future, is a real address to the tourism management capacity challenges, specifically in terms of Sustainable effective management, Eco-friendly international standards process, the cross-regional-sustaining Integrated Tourism and communication as well as cultural heritage, community and traditional spirit in use, including the cross-border networking and cooperation. It is rather considered a human resource management capacity lack and no interest on increasing the culture of international standards install, due to the lack of tourism strategic human resource building and clear vision.

The project intervention logic promotes cross-border solutions aimed at sustainable tourism. The measures identified relevant for the sector are:

Increase the hotel, accommodation entities, restaurants, agro food and cultural management capacities to International Certification and standards, green key and Eco-label tourism management

The initiative, a European-based tailored practice, seeks to promote the Eco-labels and sustainable tourism management, increase their internal capacity skills, knowledge, values, learning transfer and management mindset, that, as local ownership consolidated, will be able to administer and gain the Eco-label standard certification through the recognised internationally accredited auditing.

In order to promote this action, Tourism for Future, is llaunching the Application call for Eco-Label Standard Certification, targeting the hotel and accommodation Industry, aiming at granting the selected beneficiaries from the both cross-bordering targeted regions and implementation of Eco Labels Certifications for Hotels and Accommodations entities.

Article 1: Scope of work

Service provider will play a crucial role in ensuring that an organization adheres to the strict standards set forth by EU ECOLABEL CRITERIAS. This professional meticulously will assess and evaluate a company’s processes, systems, and documentation to determine its compliance with EU ECOLABEL. This rigorous process often includes examining quality management systems, environmental management, or other specific guidelines that the organization must follow.


  • Audit statements and assess requirements for accuracy and regulatory compliance for EU ECOLABEL and able to issue EU accredited International ECO Label Certification, internationally recognized to audited tourism accommodation beneficiary,
  • The issued Eco Label certificate should be valid at least for one year,
  • Proactively manage the oversight of audit findings, responses, and corrective actions,
  • Inspect internal systems and controls in regard to the Eco Label international standards and certification
  • Report systematic errors or fraud indicators
  • Explain audit findings and recommend solutions
  • Provide a yearly report and one final report after the closing of the project.
  • All reports must be in the English language

Article 2. Requirements:

The company and or its staff/ or individual shall meet the following requirements:

  • Accredited by EU recognised Eco Label institutions to be able to Certify the Tourism Accommodation
    Industry with EU recognized Eco Label certificate
  • Registered and certified by any Competent Body of EU Ecolabel as company and or certified Auditor:
  • Advanced skills, ensuring effective and efficient evaluation of an organization’s processes and management
    systems and also experience in the field of EU Ecolabel (at least 5 years of proving these professional
        required competences),
  • At least five (5) of Eco-label auditing experiences is required
  • Previous Experience with the Western Balkans regions is an advantage
  • Local language (Albanian, Montenegrin), beside English skills are advantage

Article 3: General Conditions:

 The selected Eco Label Certifying auditor shall commit to the code of ethics and professionalism:

  • Perform her/his duties carefully and responsibly.
  • Committed to perform the work with high standards of professional and ethical competences and integrity in
    accordance to the applicable laws
  • The auditor shall seek to achieve the organization’s interests professionally and independency.
  • The auditor should disclose on any conflict of interests that might occur during her/his work with the
  • The auditor should respect the organization’s legitimate objectives and seek to achieve those objectives.
  • The auditor should respect the values and beliefs of the employees working in the organization.
  • The auditor shall maintain confidentiality of the data and information related to the service provided, except
    some cases according to the law.
  • The auditor should not be a part of any illegal activity, or any activity that contradict with auditing service.
  • Should not accept any gifts from anyone that might affect her/his judgements objectivity.
  • The auditor should be responsible for the quality and results of the auditing data.

Article 4: Duration of contract is maximum 15 months from the date of signing the agreement

Interested companies/individuals should send their technical and financial offer, together with the following documentation:

  • Technical proposal with a methodology and approach concept (max 5 pages)
  • Certificate for company registration ((for company) and Professional license as International Eco Label accreditation (for the proposed e Eco Label Certification Auditor(s)) for both company and individuals,
  • Copy of Auditor CV’s. backed up with proven education professional experience proves, references,
  • Previous relevant experience documentations with verified proves,
  • Financial offer (using one certification as unit x 20 hotel/accommodation units certified)
  • Bank account details to which the payments shall be made

The deadline for receiving the offers is 26.01.2024

Application must be delivered by email to: [email protected]

The deadline for questions will be at least 10 days before the deadline for submission of the applications. All questions and answers as well as other important notices will be published at the:

The questions and answers will be administered only by email: [email protected]