Prishtina REA, in cooperation with IPER Institute, Kolašin municipality and Gjeravica Association from Peja, is implementing the “Tourism for Future” project, supported by the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro-Kosovo, under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II), aiming at, among other activities, providing support to tourism (accommodation) businesses from Peja and Kolašin regions towards assessing, promoting and practicing the new working culture of eco-development standards and certification with international EU Eco Label Standard.

ECO-LABEL Standard Certification – as Sustainable Tourism Management tool is mainly focused on: i) Infrastructure (energy, water, waste), ii) Environment, Iii) Culture Heritage, iv) Agro-food/local supply, v) Tourism Management Capacity known as the eco-tourism values.

The OVERALL OBJECTIVE (i.e. impacts) of the project is to contribute to the development of the cross-border sustainable tourism through networking, introducing green key and eco standards, improving competitiveness and joint promotion.

While, the impact is the promotion of the participation of SMEs targeting EU certification systems, in particular, the EU Ecolabel and EMAS aiming at compliance adaptations necessary to request relevant and achievable internationally recognized certification schemes

More informations about the, Call please see below:

Presentation - Info Session