FESTIVAL OF TOURISM AND NATURAL RECREATIONS (24 – 25 – 26 MAY 2024) Peja Outdoor Tourism Festival Program 24 – 25 – 26 MAY 2024 The tourism festival “Peja Outdoor Tourism Festival” and the regional conference are part of a project that aims to deepen the interest and potential of Peja as a tourist destination, […]

Eco-Label Certification Grant Award Ceremony

Eco-Label Certification Grant Award Ceremony The Eco-Label Certification Grant Award Ceremony occurred on 27th of March 2024, in Peja, celebrating the sustainable efforts and environmental excellence, displaying the commitment to eco-conscious activities of thirteen outstanding awarded enterprises. By signing the Grant Agreements, these progressive businesses formally committed to putting into practice and achieving internationally recognized Eco-Label […]

CALL FOR: “Provision of EU ECOLABEL Auditing and International Certification Services”

Prishtina REA, in partnership with IPER Institute, Kolašin municipality and Gjeravica, is implementing the “Tourism for Future” project, supported by the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro-Kosovo, under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II), aiming at, among other activities, providing support to tourism (accommodation) businesses from Peja and Kolašin regions towards assessing, promoting and practicing the […]

MoU signed between Prishtina REA and ERFC

MoU signed between Prishtina REA and ERFC The Memorandum of Understanding signed between Prishtina REA and ERFC (European Regional Framework Co-operation) Prishtina REA being the leading partner on the Cross Border Co-operation “Tourism for Future” Project and ERFC implementing its the FAME ROAD project-financed by the program INTERREG Greece-Italy, the wish to identify the complementarities […]