The Promotion and Awareness Increase Plan

The Promotion and Awareness Increase Plan, with its creative communication and visibility instruments brings in-front of the EU4Innovation Kosovo e-ID project implementation the way ahead to develop a highly creative eID Kosovo information and awareness increasing and promotion plan, with clear attractive messages, well-identified channels and tools to be used by the Promotion and Awareness Increase Action Plan Implementation.

The Kosovo eID solution promotion and awareness increase plan has clearly defined the targeted groups, the instruments to be used to attract these targets and the balanced resources to be dedicated to achieve the expected results and outputs, led by Ministry of Economy.

The plan objectives are fitting well to the overall Kosovo Government and EU Office in Kosovo objectives and complement it, respecting fully the Kosovo Government and EU communication, visibility rules and guidelines too.

The above promotion and communication channels and instruments will be used specifically for the Kosovo eID platform promotion, awareness increase, information-visibility-communication, targeting general public audience, businesses and institutions, media, civil society, associations and networks, banking system and other e-government platforms encouraging them using and practising the eID in daily courses.  

The approach of the strategy will be on raising the public awareness modern tools aiming at encouraging the citizens and businesses to use Kosovo eID solution, as a mobile easy & friendly, once and all-in-one solution, on at least the following streams: 

Citizens to get their certificates for digital signature and to start using them.

Businesses to enter the TSP/RA (Trusted Services Providers/Registration Authority) market and to become distributors of digital certificates for citizens and digital seals for companies.

Businesses to start requiring digital seals and start using them.

Businesses to start using the integration features of the eID in their online activities in order to allow the citizens to authenticate with their eID and to electronically sign documents and transactions.

In terms of the focus of the promotion, awareness increase, communication and visibility plan, beside the eID platform activity implementation plan, as the increase efficiency and productivity of the private sector through increased use of ICT, create proper e-business/e-commerce ecosystem, and improve electronic service delivery for citizens and businesses, the implementation of the Kosovo e-ID and the promotion and awareness raising campaign will need professional promotion, information and visibility channels and tools. This package contains:

Developing creative, friendly use information materials about the process of the private sector productivity efficiency increase, by promoting ICT usage, improved ecosystem and electronic service delivery to both citizens and businesses with practical info-guided details about the way of using Kosovo eID Platform and its benefits, including, short video ads, video guides, infographics, briefings, regular and updated posts and news, there will be also available the institutional websites and online application tools, via specific Ministry of Economy website, Facebook, online communication platform in the favour of empowering the communication and visibility plan, promoting the eID platform and contributing to awareness increase, information, education and dissemination.

Disseminating attractive content and information materials using diverse means and channels, like social media, YouTube/TV channels, other online and video platforms, dedicated lending webpage under the website of ME, international events and conferences, synchronising events through ME and relevant key public, institutional and private stakeholders, various business chambers and associations, considering the sensitivities of gender, age, communities, disable categories etc.

Organizing specialised, localised and contextualised events and workshops, thematic salons and sectorial meetings to make everybody embracing the ME’s eID solution as the national platform to revolutionise the society digitalisation and its way forward.

Additionally, the contribution of this plan will be quite important, especially to various target groups, indicators and events, starting from Kosovo eID platform launching event, media promotion and up to the special digital economy and digital diplomacy events too.

The distinguishing identity of the Kosovo eID Promotion and Awareness Raising Strategy will be its creative social, sectorial, media and online model of implementation. The governmental practices, concerning the awareness raising and promotion, are electronic media (as TV and radio) localised-sectorial events, with diverse stakeholders, categories, associations, municipalities, media, CSO networks etc.

Thus, the Kosovo eID promotion, communication, awareness-raising and visibility Strategy contains its detailed action plan and time plan, providing some detailed indicative parameters, budget, evaluation and key performance indicators and has defined its target set too.

As indicated in the Methodology, the awareness-raising plan will be the main guiding document in the implementation of all Kosovo eID platform awareness-raising and communication activities. These are crucial activities for generating support for Kosovo eID platform promotional activities, engaging stakeholders, targeted groups, businesses and citizens and highlighting the commitment of the Kosovo Government, Ministry of Economy and the support provided by the EU.

This Kosovo eID promotion, communication, awareness-raising and visibility Strategy will be used as practical guideline towards Kosovo eID platform promotional information, awareness and educating activities, supporting the Ministry of Economy supporting team in achieving their goals.

This version of the Strategy will be updated in May 2024, in line with the Kosovo eID developments and its final (tested) solution in place.