Memorandum of Understanding Between Arctur, Tourism 4.0 Lead
Hereinafter collectively referred to as “The partners”.
Arctur is an innovation specialist agency – employing 50+ individuals – working to inspire and empower SMEs, governments, academia and other organisations to reinvent themselves and co-create innovative products and services, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future. Arctur has been instrumental in helping Slovenia to achieve its ambitious vision and become the leading European country in the digitally rich experience of immovable cultural heritage.
In 2023, Arctur was invited to perform a workshop about the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage for high governmental representatives at the Swedish opening event of taking over the Presidency of the Council of Europe.
In May 2023, Dr Starc Peceny (the staff member of the proposed project) presented Tourism 4.0 tools and achievements at the European Tourism Days in Brussels.
Moreover, Mr Ilija8, the CEO, was among the invited speakers at EU Industrial Days 2022 where he shared the experience of the SMEs in the field of tourism, ICT and medicine.
Arctur was the technology & content providers at EXPO2020, Dubai (short movie: Slovenian success story of the Digital Innovation of Cultural Heritage).
The Tourism 4.0 paradigm unlocks the innovation potential in the whole tourism sector. It takes key enabling technologies from Industry 4.0, such as the Internet of Things, Big Data, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality and makes them accessible to local inhabitants, local authorities, tourists, service providers and government to enable a co-creation approach to enriched tourism experience in both the physical and the digital worlds. Within Tourism 4.0 special attention is given to the field of cultural heritage and designing digitally enriched experiences of cultural heritage, ranging from 3D scanning and modelling, AR/VR/XR, mobile and web apps, holograms, and object recognition tables, as well as digital storytelling and digital strategies.
Since its beginnings in 2017, Tourism 4.0 has led/is a partner in 20+ national and international projects — e.g.
»Tourism for Future”, a two-year project, is implemented by Prishtina REA in partnership with IPER Institute, Kolasin Municipality and Gjeravica- Mountaineering Association from Peja, and supported by Peja Municipality, is financed by the Cross Border Cooperation Montenegro- Kosovo, financed by European Union
(CBC programme), through the contract no: CFCU.MNE.234, dated 15 June 2023 – “Tourism for Future”, The CBC Montenegro-Kosovo “Tourism for Future” project aims at contributing to the development of the cross-MoU: Arctur (Tourism 4.0) and TOURISM FOR FUTURE project
5) Newsletters
– Yearly publishing 4 Tourism 4.0 newsletters; 1000+ recipients worldwide (in English and Slovene language).
6) Social media
– Tourism 4.0 Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube accounts
– Arctur Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube accounts
The Prishtina REA’s Tourism for Future” expected outputs:
Res 1. Sustainable effective management set promoted, designed and installed to 70 tourisms oriented business
Res 2. Increased awareness of at least 40 hotel businesses in the cross-border region about culture of eco- development system
Res 3. Certification-Eco-friendly international standards process supported, as eco-tourism value new developing concepts (20 tourism-oriented entities certified) and Eco Label Auditing ToT training (15 certified auditors)
Res 4. Developed and installed the cross-regional-sustaining Integrated Tourism and Communication Platform (one joint CBC online Platform)
Res 5. Improved access to cultural economic oriented networks, facilitate cross-region development openness, and promote the local ethno and traditional food and beverages through two cross-border (CB) festivals and two eco-trails (about 60 business pax)
Some of the mutual crucial cooperation intentions are focused on:
Cross border Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for Accessible & Sustainable Tourism: to allow people with special needs (e.g. families with children, disabled, senior citizens, people with specific medical conditions, people with food intolerances, people with temporary disabilities, etc.) to enjoy their
holiday in a safe and comfortable way.
The “Tourism for Future” project target groups are: The surrounding tourism sector, tourism-oriented business stakeholders, rural small and family business, tourism organizations, tour operators. Eco-label auditing specialist, cross-border communities, the local municipal relevant departments, the operating touristic organizations, old cultural heritage archaeological and rural attractions, national trade, industry and tourism bodies,while the final beneficiaries are: Hotels, restaurants, family agro food producers, tourism investing operators, hotel and restaurant managements and staff, Eco-labels certifying auditors: Hotels, restaurants, family agro food producers, tourism investing operators, hotel and restaurant managements and staff, Eco-labels certifying auditors
The Tourism for Future website:
Article 1. Purpose
The purpose of this MoU is to facilitate the collaboration between the initiative and partner in order to improve the overall results and expected impact of the projects involved.
The initiative and partner may, from time to time, wish to add other activities to the MoU. In such case the new activities to be added will be agreed in writing by the respective contact persons and be defined by an amendment of this MoU, simply adding a new Annex 1.
Article 2. Communication
The partners will appoint a Contact Person to act as the node for communication between the initiative and project as is necessary for the promotion of effective cooperation between them. The contact persons will maintain regular contact to discuss any matter related to the cooperation described in this MoU or to be integrated in it.
Article 3. Contributions
Each Party shall bear its own costs resulting from their participation in these collaboration activities, unless other agreement is reached for a particular task, taking into account the Financial Regulations governing the respective EU Funding Programme.
Article 4. Confidentiality
The Parties agree not to disclose privacy protected information of any of the concerned projects to any third party, unless expressly agreed by the concerned Parties in written form.
Article 5. Legal Nature
The Parties expressly affirm that this MoU is not a legally binding contract, but it is intended to confirm the basic settings agreed upon and the Goodwill of the Parties to materialize a fruitful collaboration.
Article 6. Duration
This MoU enters into force from the date of its signature. It will terminate when a Party gives notice of termination to the other, in which case a minimum notice of two months will be given in written.