MoU signed between Prishtina REA and ERFC

The Memorandum of Understanding signed between Prishtina REA and ERFC (European Regional Framework Co-operation)

Prishtina REA being the leading partner on the Cross Border Co-operation “Tourism for Future” Project and ERFC implementing its the FAME ROAD project-financed by the program INTERREG Greece-Italy, the wish to identify the complementarities amongst objectives and activities of their respective projects given they represent projects that support the sustainable tourism development of different regions has now been signed.  The project results will be exchanged, and were possible, will be used by both projects.


The purpose of this MoU is to facilitate the collaboration between the partner projects in order to improve the overall results and expected impact of the projects involved. The partner projects may, from time to time, wish to add other activities to the MoU.


Some of the mutual crucial cooperation intentions are focused on:

o Sustainable Business Management Capacity Building, product/service development & networking

o Eco-Label Tourism Accommodation Certification Support – know-how transfer and promotion

o Tourism transnational Festivals

o Tourism transnational Eco-trails