Tourism For Future- Our Story
The cross-border cooperation between Kosovo and Montenegro "Tourism for Future project, a European-based tailored practice, seeks to promote the Eco-labels and sustainable tourism management, increase their internal capacity skills, knowledge, values, learning transfer and management mindset, that, as local ownership consolidated, will be able to administer and gain the Eco-label standard certification through the recognized internationally accredited auditing.
To maintain, develop, update and expand it, there will be built locally auditing Eco-label standards resource capacities, certified by the internationally accredited level.
To valorize, multiply, network and internationalize, the Online Communication and Promotion Plat- form is to be developed and disseminated widely by tourism stakeholders and networks, and at the hand, handover to local direct beneficiaries.
To make the direct beneficiaries practice sustainably the Eco labels standards, benefits, contribution and growth, the linkages with cultural heritage, artisans, handicraft, local traditional producers etc, there will be organized the Tourism cross-border Festivals and Eco-Trails to make them work, live and growth sustainably together as a value chain system ensuring repeating and expanding it widely and producing long-term impact.
Tourism stakeholders, local municipal administration, cultural heritage, artisans, handicraft, local producer, tour operators, and then, tourists, visitors and investors will benefit and enjoy the impact generated.
The cross-regional networks, the transnational routs, the tourism experiences and the social development will grow.